Smoky Quartz Tower H

H.) This Smoky Quartz crystal with rainbows weighs 5.4 oz and stands 3'' tall.

Smoky Quartz shows an ability to work in darkness to process negative energies and create new positive change. The Smoky Quartz crystal is a grounding stone known for its ability to help you move on from difficult or painful experiences. It guides you to a higher state of being, a place where you can let go of the past so that it makes you better, not bitter. Leave the past in the past and move on toward a brighter future with the help of the Smoky Quartz crystal properties.

Because of its darker color, the  Smoky Quartz crystal healing properties are well-suited to removing negative energy or unwanted energy. The stone cleanses and purifies your energy field and allows you to hand over the energies you want to release to your crystal – whether it’s stress, anxiety, fear, sadness, or other negative vibrations. The supportive quality of this stone is what makes it such a great energy stabilizer, as well.

The Smoky Quartz crystal stone meaning comes from its connection to the root chakra. By balancing this energy center, Smoky Quartz offers a sense of stability and security, which explains why it has such a grounding effect on those who use it. 

The Smoky Quartz crystal meaning works to connect you to the supportive energy of the Earth while also connecting you to a higher state of being, guiding you to move on from lower vibrational energies that may weigh you down or hold you back. Because of its powerful cleansing and detoxing properties, this stone is one of the most powerful stones to work with for releasing and letting go of any and all unwanted energies in your energy field. Whenever you work with a Smoky Quartz crystal, imagine the lower vibrational energy around you going up in flames and your crystal clearing away the residue, leaving your mind, body and spirit vibrating at a higher frequency. 

When you hold onto too much energy, there is very little room for new energy to enter. To make space for better things in your life, it’s important to leave behind that which no longer serves you – whether it’s thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, feelings, memories, or anything else that you have been carrying around with you. When you are ready to let go of your energetic baggage, the Smoky Quartz crystal meaning can help to cleanse and detoxify your mind, body and spirit. 

The Smoky Quartz crystal stone meaning works by guiding you to recognize the energies you need to release and absorbing them from your energy field so you do not have to hold onto them any longer. That’s why the stone itself has a darker, smoke-like tint – because it takes on all the lower vibrations leaving your energy field. Once you’ve handed over your unwanted energies to the crystal, you can reach a higher state of being and connect back to feelings of joy, positivity and light. With the energetic grime cleared away, you can let your light shine bright. 

With its subtle shades of brown, the Smoky Quartz crystal healing properties work to reconnect us to the earth and its life-giving soil, making it one of the best stones for grounding and balancing. Use Smoky Quartz as a gentle, healing force that anchors you to the ground beneath your feet and provides the energetic stability you need when life gets chaotic. Through its grounding force, the Smoky Quartz crystal meaning helps you to stay calm, cool and collected as you navigate challenging or difficult situations in your life. In this way, the Smoky Quartz crystal stone acts as a support system – one you can lean on endlessly and rely upon for a lifetime. 

Smoky Quartz is also a stone that representes the power of sacred, divine feminine- particularly in her most natural form. While other feminine stones such as Moonstone, Selenite, and Rose Quartzembody the soft, gerntile, nurturing elements of the divine feminie, Smokey Quartz focuses on the wild, unteathered goddess energy, the wise woman and medicine women of the forest who have connected so deeply with Mother Nature that the two have almost become one. 

In this way, Smoky Quartz can accentuate this energy, which may already be resting inside of you or help develop it in the first place. Sleeping with Smoky Quartz or using it daily can help unleash this natural, intuitive spirit inside you.

Note: This crystal is a one of a kind special stock item. Leave the quantity selector at "1" below and click Add to Cart to claim it as yours. Also note that because of it's value, there may be insurance added into the shipping charge upon checkout from

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